Someone calculated (only they know how they did) that our mind deals with about 36000 thoughts per hour. Now that’s a lot. I don’t think my mind thinks that fast, but yes there are hundreds of thoughts entering and they are varied…. They flit from one to another like some butterfly flitting from flower to flower and they are just as whimsical and carefree as the butterfly. I tried to trap some down but they are swift… A thought diary…..i need to maintain a thought diary. I wish I could have a chip implanted, like professor Kevin Warwick did, to record my thoughts.
You have to be comfortable with who you are….
Look for happiness within and not outside…
Don’t fight your emotions…feel them. Fully.
Am I being delusional?
An idea about what I want to do …
Some past moments in sub-second flashes….
…..………BUT I still haven’t found what I’m looking for!
all the while you praised us for our writing and then you just wake up one day and write a blog which is one of the coolest i've read. i'm not joking when i say that i've read each post three times over...and its like bhagwad geeta cos everytime i find a new meaning in them. seems, you're deep.
and that piece on you "i am 256shades..." is simply brilliant. can you write one for me like that?
i dont know u .. but i really liked it
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