At one level, I know, it does sounds like he brought it upon himself but think about it….he was a celebrity who grew to be iconic. He was a child prodigy…a musical genius. His music was catchy and popular. His dance complicated and a treat to the eyes. He was extraordinary and successful - millions of record sales worldwide, the worlds best selling album of all time, thirteen grammy awards, super entertainer, genius artist and quite a business man. Almost everyone everywhere in the world across generations knows who MJ is. In my house everyone from my mother-in-law to my daughter know who Michael Jackson is. My daughter also knows his music. He was at his height of popularity when I was in college. College kids used to practice the moonwalk outside college corridors and just about anywhere. All young boys tried their hands at break dance at the risk of damaging their bones. Popular, he still is! The extent of his fame is unsurpassed. After Elvis, it will have be MJ.
I don’t think MJ ever knew what ordinary was. He was a performer at the tender age of 6 which means it probably took away his childhood. In his growing years and for a long time thereon he was the King of Pop. Think about this - fans almost worshipping you, thousands drawing inspiration, millions and millions of fans from all over the world screaming for you, rooting for you and loving your music, imitating you…the whole nine yards. When celebrity hood reaches these levels, it is extremely difficult to be grounded. You don’t deal with normal everyday people with commonplace problems on a daily basis. You are so far away and disconnected from the ‘real’ world (real here meaning the ordinary life majority of us lead), making so much money that you can’t manage. You deal with people with their own agendas almost all the time - financial advisors wanting a huge share of your money, record labels cashing in your name, producers wanting a sell out album, girlfriends wanting to use your name to make it big, spouses wanting more than half your money and so on and so on. These people will, when you have the money and fame, be prepared to do anything for you, rarely defy you and make you believe you are GOD.
With all the attention and global limelight, it’s easy to get confused by who you are versus the larger than life media image. Think about it enough, and you will realize that the mind and thoughts of these mega super celebrities will alter dramatically. It is perhaps this alteration of the mind that made MJ do things he did - the bizzare personal life, the multiple cosmetic surgeries, huge shopping sprees for toys and antiques, the lavish lifestyle. It also kind of explains his eccentricities – the chimp friend, the child in him, the belief that he is Peter Pan, showing up in a burqa in Bahrain, appearing in LA with his three children, their faces masked, his own covered with a handkerchief. And then the fall…I cannot imagine how his fall from fame must have affected him. When you have all the adulation for years and then suddenly realize that you don’t have any of that, you want to try all it takes to get it back. No one but MJ will know the turmoil that went through in the mind and body when trying to deal with, first the extreme adulation and an equally extreme downfall. MJ perhaps believed that he could get it all back….and he tried. He explored almost every option possible or even impossible - looking like a white man, changing his religion, marrying white women, a reclusive existence, settling someplace faraway in Bahrain, creating a fantasy land, trying to resurrect his career. That mind! It must be some kind of hell to live out that mind and be judged by millions!!!
In death, the mind must have calmed! May it rest in peace!
Ah! A post at last... Welcome back!
Thanks Lo!
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